Professional Development Workshop, May 4, 2019

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Professional Development Workshop for K-12 Teachers and College Instructors

Saturday, May 4th, 2019
Olin Center, Tufts University
180 Packard Ave, Medford, MA 02155

Session 1: 1:00-2:50

Classroom Activity and Task Design
Presented by: Star Lew
How to make students enjoying learning Chinese, or enjoy learning in general? Teachers all want to make class fun through thoughtful curriculum and activity design, and thus inspire students to have self-motivation and enjoy the internal reward. How to provide challenging tasks but students still enjoy it? We will use examples to show what activities and tasks work and what do not work as well. Teachers will have time to collaborate on a theme of their choice to design activities and tasks.
Coffee Break:  2:50-3:10
Session 2: 3:10-5:00
The Keys to Assessing Language Performance: Lessons Learned from Proficiency Guidelines
Presented by: Dr. Yu Wu
Why do we assess students? What information do we want to learn through assessment? What could we do with the information gained through assessment? This workshop will start from the ACTFL proficiency guidelines, providing basis and examples to link assessment with standards, curriculum, and instruction. It will also discuss creating integrated performance assessment (IPA) and providing useful feedback and motivation for students. Participants will have opportunities to work in groups to reflect their current teaching practice and create their own formative and summative assessment tasks. 
语言测试作为外语教学中重要的一环,一直以来就是一线教师和二语习得研究者共同关注的话题。为什么要测评?通过测评我们希望获取什么样的信息?得到学习者语言水平信息后又该如何?本次讲座将从美国外语教师协会所制订的语言能力标准讲起,举例说明此标准与教学大纲和具体教学任务之间的联系。讲座内容也涉及integrated performance assessment(IPA)的设计,以及如何提供有效反馈来保持学习者的学习动机。参会教师将反思自身教学情况,并设计适合本校教学环境的测评任务。

5 PDPs

A certificate of five professional development points, which may be applied toward recertification, will be issued upon request to participants who complete both sessions. 


Registration fee: $20
Registration limit: 35. First come, first served.
Registration deadline: May 4, or when the maximum number is reached.
Method of registration: Please pay online after registration. The registration fee will cover your coffee break. 

Presenter Information

Star Lew (陈毅星)
Star Yixing Lew currently teaches Mandarin at Newton North High School, one of the most developed programs in Massachusetts, where she has brought her many years of experience teaching middle and high school and developing curricula that meets and models the ACTFL World-Readiness Standards. Star was a recipient of the 2013 UMass Boston Fulbright-Hays Group Study Abroad. She has also been a presenter in UMass Boston’s STARTalk program, participated and presented at conferences, workshops and New England Chinese Teacher Leadership Institute organized by the New England Chinese Language Teachers Association (NECLTA), ACTFL and MaFla, focusing on producing student-centered learning experiences. Star also serves the NECLTA Board, where she aims to help and connect with K-12 teachers.
Yu Wu (吴瑜)
Dr. Yu (Joyce) Wu is an Assistant Professor of Chinese at the University of Rhode Island. Her research interests include second language acquisition, proficiency-based instruction and assessment, individual differences, and Chinese as a Second Language learners’ linguistic and intercultural development. Dr. Wu is a board member of the New England Chinese Language Teachers Association. She is devoted in working with K-16 educators and bringing SLA and assessment theories to CSL classrooms. 