“如何做一名合格的中文教师”; "Effective Teaching of Culture in Chinese Language Class"
Saturday, October 15, 2016
Saturday, October 15th, 2016
Olin Center, Tufts University
180 Packard Ave, Medford, MA 02155
Session 1: 1:00-3:20
Presented by: Hesheng Zhang
1. 语音:声母、韵母、声调、拼音规则、儿化、轻声、逻辑重音与停顿
2. 语法:病句的改正
3. 词汇:词义的解释技巧、同义词的辨析方式、词语的搭配练习
4. 文字 :六书、字与词的关系、书写笔划与笔顺、形似偏旁的辨析
1. 文化知识的获取与传播技巧
2. 关注语言中的文化因素
3. 教材中如何展示中华文化
1. 抓住教学重点、难点的能力
2. 提问的技巧(问什么与怎么问)与回答问题的技巧
3. 控制课堂的技巧与课堂应变能力(应对突发情况)
4. 专业教师课堂语言特色
Coffee Break: 3:20-3:40
Session 2: 3:40-5:30
"Effective Teaching of Culture in Chinese Language Class"
Presented by: Gail Wang
This workshop will look at the products, practice and perspectives in teaching culture by examining primary sources represented by Yin Yu Tang, a Chinese House in Peabody Essex Museum. Participants will work collectively in identifying the content of the Yin Yu Tang House representing the three Ps. They will also work collectively and present instructional application of the three Ps.
5 PDPs
A certificate of five professional development points, which may be applied toward recertification in Massachusetts, will be issued upon request to participants who complete both sessions.
Registration fee: $10 for NECLTA members; $20 for non-members.
Registration limit: 35. First come, first served.
Registration deadline: October 11th, or when the maximum number is reached.
Method of registration: Click here
Pay online after registration.
Registration fee will cover your coffee break.
Hesheng Zhang
张和生,文学博士,教授,博士研究生导师。北京师范大学校务委员会委员,全国汉语国际教育硕士专业学位教育指导委员会委员。 2014年9月至今,美国 Dartmouth College访问教授。从事汉语国际教育方面的研究与实践20余年,发表相关论文数十篇,著有《对外汉语词汇教学研究》,主编《对外汉语课堂教学技巧研究》、《汉语可以这样教──语言要素篇》等对外汉语教师培训用书多部,主持多个国家汉办科研项目,多次参与侨办、汉办的海内外中文教师培训授课。曾获评“全国对外汉语教学优秀教师”。
Gail Wang
Gail Wang (汪刚柳) immigrated to Boston area in 1990 from Hangzhou, China. She taught English in Hangzhou Normal University prior to her immigration, and continued to teach English as Second Language after she moved to the US. In 2002, Ms. Wang left Newton Public Schools ESL department to work in two museums, Boston Children's Museum and Peabody Essex Museum. Ms. Wang returned to K-12 language teaching to teach Chinese in 2008. She is currently a Chinese teacher in Newton North High School.