【美国印象网2022年10月讯,严蕾、陆熙雯、刘伟供稿】新英格兰地区中文教师协会(NECLTA)第十一届年会暨中文教学国际会议于2022年10月1日在塔夫茨大学新落成的Joyce Cummings Center举行。此次会议的主题为“学中文:加强沟通、共享未来 ”,这是协会自疫情以来的第一次线下会议,有来自新英格兰地区六州、纽约州、加州的103人参会,有三十多位老师分享了教学经验和方法,下午还举行了两场圆桌讨论会。
此次会议在中国传统音乐的现场演奏中拉开了序幕,开幕式由NECLTA执行长王命全老师主持。塔夫茨大学文理学院的学术院长Samuel Thomas教授首先向大会发表致辞。他的讲话热情洋溢,不仅表达了对塔夫茨大学中文教学团队的由衷感谢,也对NECLTA多年来的努力和成绩给予了充分肯定与支持。Thomas院长还充满感情地谈到自己的儿子学习中文的故事,希望中国的语言和文化可以更多地促进人们的交流和理解。他预祝大会圆满成功。随后,NECLTA会长吴瑜老师总结了协会一年来的发展并介绍了理事会成员。 副会长王志军老师介绍了本届大会的投稿情况和发言安排。接下来吴瑜会长介绍了本次大会的主讲嘉宾,Erwin Tschirner教授。Erwin Tschirner教授的讲座题目是Pathways to Proficiency: Understanding and Supporting Language Development for Communication。在报告中,Erwin Tschirner教授对比了ACTFL、CEFR 与HSK三种中文语言测量标准的差异,强调了词汇量与语言水平的关联,指出学生需要语言的知识和能力才能参与有效交流,教师在规划和管理学生学习时需要知道哪些事情, 以及针对不同水平的学生最有效的教学干预类型。
波士顿大学的孙鸿运老师和罗德岛大学的蔡江坪老师分享了对以内容为中心教学的思考。罗德岛大学的胡小艳老师、何文潮老师、杨清钰老师分享了开一个学分的文化课的新尝试。耶鲁大学的李戎真老师、沈建华老师、梁宁辉老师做了题为Enrich elementary and intermediate teaching with cultural exposure and multiliteracy learning 的报告,分享了她们如何在低年级教学中融入文化信息,增加学生学习的主动性和对中国文化的了解。MIT的高畔畔老师、陈彤老师、明德大学的何小蔓老师、塔夫茨大学的万敏老师在题为Rethinking Accommodations and Inclusivity in Higher Education CSL的报告中向听众展示了他们如何应对全盲学生和听障学生。MIT的周康老师和梁敏敏老师分享了给学生进行反馈的经验,强调把反馈落到实处。耶鲁大学的敖晶晶老师、达特茅斯大学的严蕾老师、哥伦比亚大学的史中琦老师分享了使用中文电台、动画元素,以及播客的教学经验。
在Dewick-MacPhie Dining Center用过午餐后,大家参加了颁奖仪式与新任会长致辞专场。会长吴瑜老师与协会执行长王命全老师为2020年与2022年任期届满的理事、前任会长陈彤老师、现任会长吴瑜老师进行了颁奖。服务任期届满的理事如下:林游岚老师、何文潮老师、李爱民老师、陈彤老师、董桦老师、罗云老师、王志军老师、李慧敏老师、赵聪敏老师。新任会长布朗大学的汪洋老师向大会致词,对各位前辈、各位会员表示感谢,表达了继往开来的决心。此外,北京语言大学出版社北美分社运营总监袁世奇主任通过视频祝贺大会召开,并向到会的老师们介绍了北美分社十年来取得的成就,以及全方位支持北美中文教学的方案。北美分社参会工作人员还在现场为老师们举办了抽奖赠书活动,共有二十位老师幸运获得了精美的立体中文图书。
在中小学专场报告中,波士顿牛顿高中的陈毅星老师做了《Going from “surviving” to “Thriving” in Post-Pandemic K-12 schools》的讲座,结合工作中的切身体会与实际经验,为中小学老师如何应对疫情结束后的繁忙工作提供了宝贵建议;霍奇基斯学校的刘伟老师做了题为《“RAFT”写作框架应用》的报告,介绍了对中小学中文写作训练的探索与实践。
最后两场题目分别为“改善学生体验,提高学生保有率”和“Social Emotional Learning”的圆桌讨论会又一次把会议推向高潮。第一组在新任会长汪洋老师的主持下,来自耶鲁大学的李戎真老师、哥伦比亚大学的史中琦老师、塔夫茨大学的王命全老师,还有康州大学的杨春生老师和大家分享了各校“提高”学生保有率的高招、妙招。第二组在陈毅星老师的主持下,来自St. John’s HS in Danvers的郜婷老师、Brockton HS的李韧老师、Medfield Public Schools的刘艺语老师和大家分享了后疫情阶段如何重视师生的社会情绪学习,以及活动设计与沟通技巧。
这次中文教学界的盛会,得到了参会者的一致好评。会后调查显示, 95%的参会者认为会议组织非常成功,他们在交流中受益匪浅;96%的参会者认为报告质量上乘、呈现精彩;而100%的参会者都认为这是一次愉快的经历,感谢NECLTA为K-16的中文教育工作者提供了一个面对面交流的机会。
最后要特别鸣谢会议承办方塔夫茨大学对NECLTA年会的支持,感谢王命全老师、孙立峰老师、李慧敏老师以及其他塔夫茨大学的同仁提供的各项支持和服务。此外,NECLTA也感谢CLTA总会为本届年会提供的PD fund支持和北京语言大学出版社北美分社、Cengage、Cheng & Tsui 、Imagin8 Press、Ponddy Education Inc. 、wasted-minutes.com 等公司对年会提供的赞助。
The 11th Annual Meeting of NECLTA Held at Tufts University
Written by Yu Wu
The 11th New England Chinese Teachers Association (NECLTA) Annual conference was held on October 1, 2022 at Tufts University’s Joyce Cummings Center. The theme of the conference this year is “Chinese language study: Strengthening communication for a shared future”. This was the first NECLTA in-person conference in three years since the pandemic. More than 103 higher ed and K-12 educators, who are from all six states of the New England, New York, and California, attended the conference. The day-long conference featured 5 panels, more than thirty individual presentation, and two roundtables.
The NECLTA Executive Director, Dr. Mingquan Wang hosted the opening ceremony. Dean Samuel Thomas from Tufts University delivered the welcome remarks. He thanked the Tufts Chinese Program and the NECLTA for contributing to the development of the Chinese language and culture in the New England area. Then NECLTA President, Dr. Yu (Joyce) Wu welcomed all participants and reported NECLTA’s work in the past year. Following that, NECLTA Vice President Dr. Zhijun Wang reported the abstract submissions and arrangement of presentations. Dr. Wu then introduced the keynote speaker, Professor Erwin Tschirner, to deliver the keynote speech titled “Pathways to Proficiency: Understanding and Supporting Language Development for Communication”. Professor Tschiner compared three language proficiency guidelines – ACTFL (U.S.), CEFR(Europe), and HSK(China), cited years of data to showcase the correlation between vocabulary size and students’ proficiency levels, and suggested pedagogical practices that could be incorporated in the classroom.
Concurrent presentation sessions took place at 11 am, 2 pm, 3 pm, and 4:10 pm. Two roundtables held at 5 pm, one featuring improving students’ experience and students’ retention in higher education, and the other focusing on social emotional learning in K-12 settings, conclude the conference. (For more information about the content of these sessions, please read the Chinese version of the report).
Another highlight of the conference was the transition of the Presidents and Board members. Dr. Yu (Joyce) Wu and Dr. Mingquan Wang gave awards to previous NECLTA President, Vice Presidents, and board members who have finished their terms. The NECLTA President Elect, Yang Wang from Brown University and Vice President Elect Star Yixing Lew, will start their term after this conference. Yang Wang delivered a speech as the new NECLTA President, thanked previous Presidents and board members, and expressed her determination to lead the organization forward to new heights.
NECLTA expresses our gratitude to the Tufts team led by Dr. Mingquan Wang, who has hosted the conference. We also thank our sponsors, CLTA(USA), Phoenix Tree Publishing, Cengage, Cheng & Tsui, Imagin8 Press, Ponddy Education Inc., and wasted-minutes.com.
October 25, 2022