2013 中文教学国际会议,报名细则 Registration Memo
Dear NECLTA Members and friends,
The conference registration deadline is September 15th, 2013. Please plan accordingly.
I. Registration information
For your convenience, here are a few key links to help you complete your registration.
1. 2013 NECLTA Conference registration:
Please complete the registration as soon as you can, but no later than 9/15, 2013. You cannot
attend the conference without completing this registration. This applies to everyone, even if
you are a board member, or a presenter.
2. 2013‐2014 NECLTA membership registration/renewal:
You might also use this opportunity to renew your NECLTA membership. The 2012‐2013
membership ends on September 30th, 2013. Your 2013‐2014 membership covers the period
between October 1st, 2013 and September 30th, 2014. You $20 regular membership dues will
allow us to waive your $20 conference registration fee, waive your $10 lunch charge, and waive
your $10 bus ride charge. As a member of NECLTA, you also enjoy other membership benefits
as well. Please visit neclta.org for more information about our organization.
3. Online PayPal payment option: http://www.neclta.org/membership/payment
We encourage you to pay your membership dues online. It’s quick and easy. For those of you
who prefer to make your payment by check, please make your check payable to NECLTA and
mail it to
180 Packard Ave, Olin 326
Medford, MA 02155
II. Hotel information
For those of you who need to stay overnight, here’s a place for your consideration.
Holiday Inn
3009 Tower Hill Road
South Kingstown, RI 02874
Holiday Inn will be able to offer you a rate of $109/night (regularly $209). Just mention "URI
Confucius Institute" when you make your reservation to receive the special rate.
If you are staying at the hotel and need a ride to the conference site, please email Xie Laoshi at
qian_xie@mail.uri.edu. We will arrange pick‐up service from the hotel to the conference site.
III. Panel chairs
Panel members whose names are coded red in the attached program are designated panel
chairs. As panel chairs, you are responsible for the smooth execution of your panel
presentations. Specifically, you need to make sure that:
1. Your panel members arrive early for the presentation;
2. You have agreed on the order of presentation;
3. You have set time limits on your presentations;
4. You equipment is working properly. Please note that all the classrooms are equipped with
projector and speakers, but each panel needs to bring its own laptop. Panel chair needs to
make sure that someone in the panel brings a laptop.
5. If you have any questions, or if there are significant changes in your panel, please contact our
conference chairs: Prof. Zhijun Wang at zhijunw@asianlan.umass.edu, or Prof. Baozhang He at
bhe@holycross.edu. They may also contact you with additional information later.
Please review the attached program and complete your registration at your earliest
convenience. We are excited about this year’s conference and we would love to see you all at
the conference. Feel free to forward this email to anyone who might be interested.