The 12th Annual Conference of the NECLTA - Call for Proposals
Keynote Speaker: Professor Jianhua Bai 白建华教授
Keynote Speech: ICC CAN-DO Statements and Their Applications in Teaching CFL
Call for Proposal 论文征集
NECLTA (The New England Chinese Language Teachers Association) is calling for proposals for presentations at its 12th annual conference. Both panels (50 minutes) and individual presentations (15 minutes) are welcome. The conference will be held in person at Tufts University on Saturday, September 30, 2023. We welcome proposals from K-12 public and private school teachers, Chinese school teachers, college and university educators in Chinese, graduate students, national and international scholars, and educational administrators. Your presentation may address any aspect of issues in teaching and learning Chinese language and culture at various levels in different settings, including but not limited to:
- an interdisciplinary approach to language teaching;
- DEI issues in Chinese language teaching;
- remote learning and teaching;
- enrollment maintenance and enhancement;
- classroom teaching practices;
- technology application;
- K-12 Standards-based instruction;
- performance-based assessments;
- community and long-term learning;
- reading and writing literacy development;
- second language acquisition of Chinese;
- Chinese linguistics and Chinese pedagogical grammar;
- teaching culture;
- teaching heritage students;
- intercultural communication
- study abroad
- others: administration, teacher training, immersion programs, etc.
Proposals should be submitted online at by August 1, 2023. The direct link for submission is Notification of acceptance decisions will be sent out through email by August 20, 2023. The proposal can be written in English or Chinese, and the maximum length of a proposal shall not exceed 500 words (in English or Chinese).
For more information, please go to or contact us by email at
新英格兰地区中文教师协会将于2023年9 月30日在塔夫茨大学举办第十二届年会。本次大会主题为 “Bridging Cultures, Empowering Minds”。大会在线下进行,欢迎全球中小学和大学中文教师、研究生、学者、教育管理者参加大会。大会报告提要的议题包括:(1) 中文教学的跨学科合作和方法,(2) 中文教学中的多样、平等和包容,(3) 虚拟教学与学习,(4) 学生人数的保持和增加, (5) 课堂教学理论与实践,(6) 科技在中文教学中的应用,(7) 中小学的课程标准, (8) 实践性评估,(9) 社区与长期学习,(10) 阅读与写作技能,(11) 汉语习得研究, (12) 汉语语言学和教学语法, (13) 文化教学, (14) 有中文背景学生的汉语习得及教学,(15) 跨文化交际,(16) 海外留学与教育,(17) 其他:行政管理、教师培训、沉浸式项目等等。报告形式为50分钟的小组发言,或15分钟的个人发言。报告提要使用中英文均可,长度请勿超过500 字。请您于 2023年 8月 1 日之前在NECLTA的主页上(提交报告提要,直接投稿链接为。报告是否录用的通知将于2023年8 月20日前通过电邮发出。